Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November 4, 2009

As much as we will miss our enjoyable stay in Pond Inlet, it's nice to be continuing on with our journey. We had a short flight over to Clyde River this morning and quickly descended upon a construction crew here to allow us to 'camp' in one of their units. The hotel is full and our only other option was to move in with a local family where it would have gotten fairly crowded. Luckily, we know a couple of guys on the crew here and helped us out by turning the water on to one of the 2 bedroom units that they are working on. We don't have hot water or furniture but it is warm and dry.

The Housing Association was kind enough to loan us a truck for our stay here. Apparently the town of Clyde River is a high traffic zone for polar bears at this time of the year. There was one wandering through town this morning before we arrived and we were told that they've had approx. 26 bears shot near town since October. In other words, we are to walk about town with great caution and have been warned against traveling at night.

Weather here is warm - only minus 13 C today.

Approaching Clyde River airport.

Airport terminal in Clyde River

Clyde River.

Camping in Clyde.

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