Saturday, October 31, 2009

October 31, 2008

We've had a busy first week in Pond Inlet. It's been quite different trying to figure out what to eat for our dinners as they have a full restaurant available at the hotel we are staying at and boy do they know how to load our plates!! There's nothing like heading out into the cold winter weather with a belly full of warm food after a good night's rest on comfy beds. The weather here has been a blustery minus 30 C with the wind chill.

Apparently we should be on the look-out for bears as we walk around town. Colin peered in a side entrance today where a fresh polar bear hide was laying. Apparently the fellow had spotted it near the bay just down below the houses........right near where we have been walking. Damon is all excited and can hardly wait to see a polar bear. We are not so anxious.

Don't have too many good pictures to share, as we find our camera heavy to carry around and the weather hasn't been cooperating.

Inns North where we are staying
in Pond Inlet.

Seal skins stretched out.

A house made of culverts.

Culvert house entrance.

Alex after a long day at work.
Happy Halloween!!

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