Thursday, September 24, 2009

September 24, 2009

We are happy to be writing this entry from a comfortable hotel in Resolute Bay - complete with beds, hot water for showers and fabulous cooks -- all the luxuries we were lacking over the last couple of days. Our morning went well in Grise Fiord and we were able to hop aboard the plane shortly after 12:00 noon. The flight was approximately one hour but because of the time zone change, we arrived in time for lunch in Resolute Bay.

Once again, our pilots offered us a chance for some sightseeing. They started our flight off low so we could snap some shots of the icebergs floating below. Unfortunately it was a cloudy day so not too many of our photos turned out. When we flew above the cloud cover we were greeted by a warm sunny sky and most of us had a good nap.

When we descended through the clouds towards Resolute, the weather situation was considerably different. The cloud cover was low, it was snowing, and our plane immediately started icing up. Half of the windshield completely iced over and only one of the pilots was able to see out. When we got off the plane, both the wings and the props had a thin coating of ice. Despite the weather conditions, our pilots continue to give us smooth landings.

This afternoon, our group completed a few of the condition ratings and we hope to be finished tomorrow. Since this is one of the nicest hotels to stay in the north, we hope we'll be able to stay one more night here before we head to Arctic Bay. I hope to get some more pictures of Resolute tomorrow.

Current temperature here is minus 5 with a windchill of minus 11.

Grise Fiord, Nunavut
from plane at takeoff.

Scenery near Grise Fiord.

Icebergs near Grise Fiord.

King Air 200 - cockpit.

Our charter plane - King Air 200 - in Resolute Bay.

Airport terminal in Resolute Bay.

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