Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 30, 2009

As great as it was to visit our old home and friends in Arctic Bay, it is nice to say we have landed safely in Pelly Bay or Kugaaruk. We had a lot of homes to get through in Arctic Bay and we worked a lot of long hours trying to get them all done so that we could fly out today before the bad weather was expected to arrive. Everything fell into place and when we left Arctic Bay the skies were still sunny.

Our charter was late arriving at the airport but the taxi driver was kind enough to hang around for an hour so that we had a warm vehicle to wait in. While the charter plane was a different one we were happy to see the same pilots, Chris and Brad, again. These guys know how to manage a smooth landing and even more importantly, they have a great sense of humour -- obviously if they have to put up with our group! Colin had the privilege of sitting directly behind the pilots today and was able to help guide them in the landing.

Unfortunately the weather in Kugaaruk wasn't as nice as it was in Arctic Bay. In fact the winds had increased substantially and this fact was not relayed to our pilots until our approach. Colin had a clear view of the runway and found that it kept disappearing to the side whenever a big gust of wind blew. He was able to help the pilots by waving his arms around, pointing the plane in the direction of the runway. I'm also pretty sure the yelling helped them pay particular attention to where they were going. Despite the swinging motion from side to side, we experienced another smooth landing. Boy those guys are good!!

Since the weather was so nasty blowing snow around, the only picture of the town that we took was a picture hanging up in the local airport terminal. It's posted below.

We lucked out and the early morning flight made it out of here so we managed to snag the last 4 hotel rooms. If that flight hadn't gone, then we would have had to look for other accommodations. Another night of beds, showers, and warm food -- what a delight!

View of Arctic Bay town site from road to Victor Bay.

Victor Bay, Nunavut

Another view of Victor Bay

Iceberg in Victor Bay

Campsite at Victor Bay.

Campsite at Victor Bay.
Komatiks in front are pulled by dogs or skidoos
to transport people and their goods on the land.

Interior of plane we took from
Arctic Bay to Kugaaruk.

Town of Kugaaruk or Pelly Bay
Picture from airport.

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