Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1, 2009

Despite our progress moving south, it is already winter here in Kugaaruk. I watched some kids sledding down a hill and we've been dodging snowmobiles all day. Unfortunately the temperature warmed up which made a wet mess and many of our co-workers had wet feet, so they went shopping at the Co-op for some new boots. Much to our surprise they were not gouged by the only store in town. In fact, the prices were comparable to 'southern' prices. Talk about a bunch of happy campers!!

Temperatures today reached the positive numbers but it is supposed to be a high of -8 C tomorrow.

Street in Kugaaruk, Nunavut.

Snowmobiling with baby in amautiq.

Oil freighter in Pelly Bay.

Close up of oil freighter.

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