Monday, October 12, 2009

October 12, 2009

We arrived in Gjoa Haven late on Friday evening. Once again the hotel is full so we are living in a spacious 3 bedroom apartment. It is a real luxury this time since not only do we have beds and furniture, but there is also an extra bathroom. The kitchen is large and Damon has been cooking up a storm for everyone. Our Thanksgiving dinner consisted of a ham, potatoes, carrots, and cabbage. Delicious!

Most of our team is sick with a cold or sinus infection. The weather has been cold and windy and progress is slowing down as a result. We hope to be home by the weekend.

The town of Gjoa Haven, Nunavut

Gjoa Haven scenery.

An old pink house - no wonder it is abandoned!

Waterfront houses in Gjoa Haven.

Row of houses in Gjoa Haven.

Our accommodations -- the unit we are staying in
is the end one at the right.

Cute dog.

Caribou antlers.

Fish and caribou hide drying.

Grizzly bear hide.
Apparently grizzlies do come this far north.

Muskox head in someone's front yard.

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