Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5, 2009

Our scheduled flight out of Kugaaruk was delayed a couple of hours on Sunday but we finally took off late in the afternoon. Unfortunately the airline forgot to mention that the weather was not good in Taloyoak so our landing was redirected to Gjoa Haven. We had the choice of staying there or heading to Yellowknife -- an easy decision since Gjoa Haven was lacking in both available hotel rooms and beer.

Since we have never been to Yellowknife we were looking forward to some sightseeing. Our only chance was right after breakfast, about the exact time when the fog rolled in so thick that all the morning flights were delayed - including ours. We left Yellowknife late in the morning and after stopping in Gjoa Haven and Kugaaruk, we finally arrived at our destination around 4:30 this afternoon -- approximately 24 hours after our initial departure. Normally it would only take 40 minutes.

There are no available hotel rooms in Taloyoak (Spence Bay), so the 8 of us are camping it out in a 2 bedroom unit. Colin and I called dibs on the utility room so we are enjoying the luxury of shelves to store our stuff on. Hopefully the foam mats that were purchased in Yellowknife will make our sleeping bags a little more comfy!!

Current temperature here is reported as minus 3 C with a windchill of minus 10 C.

Airport terminal in Kugaaruk, NU

Explorer hotel in Yellowknife, NT.

View out of our hotel room.

Yellowknife scenery.

1 comment:

  1. Now that's a nice view to have from a hotel room, even with the fog. Big hotel too -- compared to the ones you've been staying in. Hmmmm. Population of 20,000. Much bigger than Bancroft!
